Montefiore / IERUSALIM

Address: 7 Shatz st., Jerusalem
The Montefiore hotel has the best location - city center, and the famous Angelica restaurant - fine grill chef restaurant. Israeli buffet breakfast and free Wi Fi are included.
The Montefiore Hotel is located at city center, the heart of Jerusalem just steps from all the major sites, main streets and night life of the city.
From the Airport: NESHER shuttle service from the airport will take you directly to the hotel.
By car: Road no.1 all the way to Jerusalem. Drive straight and after passing a bridge count 4 lights and turn left to BETZALEL Street. Go up the street and turn right to HA-NAGID Street We will be immediately to your left.

Montefiore / IERUSALIM - impresii și recomandări

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[1] Impresii de la turiști
  • FEBRUARIE, 2010
  • trimis de: iriss27 GOLD — în 04.03.10

Un hotel bunicel, langa Jaffa Str

Am fost in feb 2010 la Ierusalim, pe cont propriu. Am gasit bilete cu Tarom, la reducere cred ca a fost ~700 ron/pers cu toate taxele incluse. Hotelul l-am rezervat pe booking. com, pretul exact nu mi-l amintesc, dar cred ca a fost in jur de cel specificat de mine. Cea mai socanta imagine este cea a celor inarmati prezenti oriunde, cu mitraliere! Acolo fetele fac armata 2 ani si baietii 3 ani. Peste tot erau numai soldati cu mitraliere, chiar si in hotel cu noi, era un pustan civil cu o [...] — vezi review [+41 poze]
  • Aifostacolo — Montefiore? SCRIE IMPRESII » ÎNCARCĂ FOTO
  • Afișate impresii [1 - 1] din total 1 impresii Montefiore

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